Golem - Step by step - Illustrator CS6
This project is a personal project that I just update in order to show you more details and steps of the work in progress. You will see a full vector illustration created on Adobe Illustrator CS6. I hope you will appreciate it ! Thank you for your support !
Hi everybody !
I am publishing a new version of my freaky golem.
I have made some adjustments and in response to some comments you made,
I have made some adjustments and in response to some comments you made,
I decided to show you more details, like sketches and some work in progress captures.
I hope you will enjoy this new presentation of my first character fully created on Adobe Illustrator CS6.
I hope you will enjoy this new presentation of my first character fully created on Adobe Illustrator CS6.
Thank you for your support and your appreciation !
After different research sketches, I scan my final drawing and start working on Adobe Illustrator
to retrace each part and add some details...
And then, I begin the longest part which is the colorisation !
You will see below, some of the steps and then the final render...
Let's have a look at the details
Don't be scared... Come closer !
Don't be scared... Come closer !
It was a very long project and my computer & I have fought strongly against this freaky stone monster !
Below, some views of my work in progress...
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